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Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022 - Dokumentation meiner Besuche des Rathauscenters in Ludwigshafen und meiner Recherchen


Julia Zinnbauer

For a long time there was rumours that the city of Ludwigshafen would demolish their town hall, a large multi-functional building complex, the Rathauscenter. As it has always been an important and very popular landmark of the industrial city, I somehow never believed that one day the Rathauscenter would really be demolished. In addition to that, I do not live in this area any more, so I simply did not know what was going on. And suddenly, on the last day of December 2021, when I visited my parents in Frankenthal, my mother told me that the Rathauscenter had actually been closed, right on this day. So on January 5th I went on a cycling tour from Frankenthal, where I grew up, to Ludwigshafen, which is about 12 kilometers away, to take some photos. It was the first cycling tour of a long series that is still going on. By taking photos I accompanied the Rathauscenter through the year. In this way I got to know its details and even more – I whitnessed how it reacts to the light, the seasons and the atmosphere.

I am documenting my fascination for the Rathauscenter on my new Instagram account, including all my trips, my research and my fascination: