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Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2023

An exhibition by abcdef and Julia Zinnbauer at space-o in Düsseldorf Rath - featuring Joe Brockerhoff

abcdef, Julia Zinnbauer, space-o, Düsseldorf

On Saturday, December 16th, the exhibition by the artist who calls himself abcdef and myself was opened at space-o at Düsseldorf Rath. For the exhibition abcdef sprayed a large, minimalist, site specific wallpainting and in this context I present textile art and photography featuring Düsseldorf's legendary airbrush artist Joe Brockerhoff.

The show was curated by sculptor Kai Richter and it was his idea to create an exhibition that deals with street art. He sees fashion as street art, too, and invited me because my costumes often refer to the shapes and materials of buildings. I am very happy about how the whole show came into being and how harmonious the whole concept is.

The HEXAGON-Cape that I made during an artist residency in Düsseldorf's twin city Reading as well as "Francesca Speranza", my dress dedicated to Oscar Wilde's mother, are both part of the show. The shape, the colours and the surfaces of the cape refer to Reading's multifunctional theatre designed by RMJM in the 1970s. The dress for Lady Jane Wilde refers to her English translation of the German Gothic novel „Sidonia von Bork“. Oscar Wilde's mother, who as a poet called herself Francesca Speranza, as well as Sidonia, the main character of the novel, were both early examples of emancipated women who despite their intelligence and their strong will unfortunately both failed in their very own ways. Actually it was also Reading where Oscar Wilde was impresoned and where he wrote „The Ballad of Reading Gaol“.

With my photographic hommage to Joe Brockerhoff I do also follow a site specific approach as right next door to space-o there is a relatively new brothel for which Joe Bockerhoff created large wallpaintings several years ago.

Actually, between 2015 an 2016 I made a video about the buildings of a famous old brothel in Düsseldorf, that soon after was to be demolished. At that time the brothel was already closed and step by step I explored the different rooms. Back then I discovered that in one of the staircases Düsseldorf's legendary airbrush artist Joe Brockerhoff had created an icredibly opulent and wild wallpainting. A while later I had the great pleasure to visit Joe in his studio. And then, in summer 2018, I took all my courage and asked him if he might spray a portrait of me. To my great excitement he agreed and I took photos and a video of the whole process. I also tried to rescue the spraypaintings he had created in the old brothel, unfortunately without any success.

Sadly, in early 2023 I heard that had Joe passed away. For this reason I re-edited my video about him spraying the portrait and in April 2023 I presented it at the Art Artist Fair in Düsseldorf, respectively at the Art Artist Gearreels Screening (Link Video).

Part of the exhibition at space-o is also a super dynamic drawing Joe gave me when I visited him in his studio. For me it was especially moving that Joe's widow and also his friends came to our opening reception at space-o. They told me that they like the way I present Joe in my video as I approach him respectfully and show him as a serious artist who is focussed on his work, unlike on TV, where Joe has always been shown in a superficial way. This truly means a lot to me.

Julia Zinnbauer, space-o Düsseldorf

Samstag, 16. Dezember 2023
16 - 20 Uhr

16. 12. 2023 – 20. 01. 2024

nach telefonischer Vereinbarung 0176 - 611 51 253

Kai Richter

space-o Ausstellungs- und Projektraum
Oberhausener Str. 15
40472 Düsseldorf

+49 (211) 658 14 89

Straßenbahn 701
Haltestelle Düsseldorf Wahlerstrße/JVA 
Joe Brockerhoff, Julia Zinnbauer, space-o Düsseldorf Rath
Photos by Julia Zinnbauer showing Joe Brockerhoff in his studio together with one of his drawings at space-o, Düsseldorf

Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2023

WINTERAUSSTELLUNG des Vereins Düsseldorf Palermo im Haus der Kunst, Cantieri culturali alla Zisa, Palermo

This year the WINTERAUSSTELLUNG takes place in Palermo for the third time, in the beautiful Haus der Kunst that is part of the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa.

The exhibition was curated by the members of Düsseldorf-Palermo, an arts association that furthers the artistic exchange between the two cities. It was also thanks to the association that Düsseldorf and Palermo became twin cities ten years ago. In order to celebrate this anniversary, a very opulent catalogue has been published, the FESTSCHRIFT, that was presented at the WINTERAUSSTELLUNG for the first time.

Works by artists from Düsseldorf and Palermo can be seen in the buildings of a former aircraft company close to the Zisa, a Norman Palace, and I am incredibly happy to be part of the show. For the opening reception I went on another trip to Palermo and I was excited to see my series of videostills „Pellegrinaggio Architetturale“ in the context of this beautiful exhibition. I have always dreamed of getting into contact with the Italian artworld. When as a teenager I started being interested in art history, the Italian Renaissance was incredibly important for me, so by being part of the WINTERAUSSTELLUNG truly a dream became true.

3. WINTERAUSSTELLUNGVerein Düsseldorf Palermo
Haus der Kunst
Cantier culturali alla Zisa

December 8th, 9th, 10th
December 15th, 16th, 17th
December 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th
December 28th, 29th, 30th Dezember 2023
January 4th, 5th, 6th 2024

Julia Zinnbauer, Videostills Pellegrinaggio Architetturale

Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2023

Einladung zu vier Ausstellungen im Dezember 2023 in Düsseldorf, Wuppertal und Palermo


Das gesamte Jahr 2023 war für mich eine Aneinanderreihung aufregender und schöner Ereignisse und offensichtlich möchte der Dezember einen entsprechenden Abschluss bieten. Tatsächlich bin ich in vier Ausstellungen involviert, wovon eine sogar in Palermo stattfindet. Zu allen Ausstellungen lade ich Euch ganz herzlich ein.