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Montag, 19. April 2021

PINHOLE COMPUTERS: Aber Hallo - A video for Europe in the City by Matt Hulse and Julia Zinnbauer

Matt Hulse, Julia Zinnbauer: Europe in the City, Düsseldorf


PINHOLE COMPUTERS is the name of an art and music performance duo whose members are Julia Zinnbauer (Düsseldorf, Germany) and Matt Hulse (London, UK).  

For the festival Europe in the City, that takes place in Düsseldorf from 1st to 9th May, they created a short, loopable digital film that signals a message of hope and positive communication between the artists' respective countries, and more broadly throughout the European Union, and indeed potentially the world. Thereby they also celebrate the 75th anniversary of the foundation of North Rhine-Westphalia.