Exhibition view with the flag by Julia Zinnbauer |
Heimspiel – Auswärtsspiel
Johanna Ey Foundation
Neubrückstraße 6
28. Juni – 18. August 2024
Dieser Blog ist dem Material gewidmet, der Konstruktion, der Technik, der Opulenz und der Schönheit, dem Spektakulären, Aufregenden, Anekdotischen, den kleinen Details und dem großen Gesamteindruck, der Bewegung, der Farbe, dem Vergangenen und der Zukunft.
Exhibition view with the flag by Julia Zinnbauer |
I am very happy to show my video "Pellegrinaggio Architetturale" as well as a series of photos in the context of the exhibition DOORS that is part of düsseldorf photo+, the Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media. The reflective dress that I made for the video I am planning to shoot about the Apollo Building in Düsseldorf is also part of the show.
Julia Zinnbauer, Nacht der Museen, the pool Düsseldorf. Part of the lecture was also the very first flyover that was built in Ludwigshafen, the so-called "Pilzhochstraße" (Foto: Nina Fandler) |
Last Saturday I gave my lecture perforformance about the architectural relation between Düsseldorf and the United States after the Second World War as part of the Nacht der Museen at the pool – five times all in all! In addition to that I presented short films that dealt with post-war modernist architecture and excerpts from my film FLYOVER.
It was a lovely and intense experience to be in the underground pool that Paul Schneider-Esleben designed for himself in the 1960s and to entertain and inform the guests - especially at midnight, when the pool was about to be closed and those people, who were watching my videos really asked me for one last show and we thereby we managed to extend the night.
As textiles and fashion are important elements of my projects, I was wearing the dress that I made years ago and that is part of the catalogue by Baukultur NRW that was published on the occasion of their exhibition celebrating the 100th birthday of Paul Schneider-Esleben.
It was really cool that in the screening room there was a door that directly opened to the garage. The door became part of my performance and helped me demonstrate the idea of the car-friendly city. I explained how the actress Luise Rainer moved from Düsseldorf to Los Angeles and won two Oscars and how Richard Neutra took part in the competition for the design of the new theatre building, I talked about the Tausendflüßler, Düsseldorf's beautiful flyover that was demolished years ago and of course I mentioned the Horten Headquaters that were built as Gemany's first open-plan office.
Thank you for all your beautiful photos, dear Nina Fandler! In your photos you show me exactly like I would like to be seen.
FLYOVER - Vidieo, Julia Zinnbauer 2019 |
Nacht der Museen Düsseldorf
Station 43
the pool
Tersteegenstaße 63
hinter dem Haus, unter der Erde
Geöffnet bis 24 Uhr
Mehr Informationen gibt es auf der Seite der Nacht der Museen.
ganz herzlich laden wir Sie und Euch zu unserer Finissage am kommenden Sonntag, dem 21. Januar 2024 in den Ausstellungsraum space-o ein, von 16 bis 20 Uhr.
Um 17 Uhr sprechen abcdef und Julia Zinnbauer im Rahmen einer Lecture Performance über ihre Ideen und Arbeiten.
Wir würden uns freuen, Sie am Sonntag in Düsseldorf Rath begrüßen zu dürfen!
Ausstellungsdauer: 16.12.2023 - 21.01.2024
Atelierhaus Oberhausener Straße e.V.
StNr. 105/5887/2408
Oberhausener 15
40472 Düsseldorf
T. +49 (211) 658 14 89
F. +49 (211) 658 14 97