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Samstag, 15. September 2018

FERTIG. Documentation of the groupshow at Estudio Pablo de Lillo in Oviedo, Spain

FERTIG, curated by the Spanish artist Pablo de Lillo, was opened in the context of Apertura 2018, Oviedo's gallery weekend, featuring works of

Bert Didillon
Chris Dreier
Wolfgang Flad
Klaus-Martin Treder
Alice Musiol
Jürgen Palmtag
Gary Farelly
Julia Zinnbauer
Isabel Kerkermeier

Estudio Pablo de Lillo
C/ General Zuvillaga, 12

September 6th - October 4th 2018

Montag, 10. September 2018

FERTIG. A Groupshow at Estudio Pablo de Lillo in Oviedo, Asturias. The second opening reception

Julia Zinnbauer, Carlos Sierra, Pablo de Lillo
With painter Carlos Sierra and artist and curator Pablo de Lillo in front of Wolfgang Flad's relief (to the right), a pinting by Klaus-Martin Treder (to the left) and two of my photos
Usually after an opening reception you are sad that it is over. But in the case of FERTIG we just did a second one on Friday, September 7th, as the show was opened in the context of the Apertura18, Oviedo's gallery weekend. What a luxury! And we were even visited by los maestros Fernando Alba and Carlos Sierra, two legendary Asturian artists. 

FERTIG - featuring works by
Bert Didillon, Chris Dreier, Gary Farrelly, Wolfgang Flad, Isabel Kerkermeier, Alice Musiol, Jürgen Palmtag, Klaus-Martin Treder, Julia Zinnbauer

Estudio Pablo de Lillo
C/ General Zuvillaga, 12
Oviedo, Spain

September 6th - October 4th 2018

In the course of the evening I had a long conversation with the Asturian painter Carlos Sierra about architecture. Even if he did not speak English and I didn't speak Spanish we talked about the house of his dreams for a long time - an UFO-building. I think we used the international language of modernism:

Sonntag, 9. September 2018

FERTIG. A Groupshow at Estudio Pablo de Lillo in Oviedo, Asturias. The first opening reception

To the left: Textile work by Alice Musiol; at the column: embroidery by Chris Dreier; to the right: mail art by Gary Farrelly

On Thursday September 7th and on Friday September 8th there were even two openeing receptions of our groupshow FERTIG at Estudio Pablo de Lillo in Oviedo, in the the North of Spain.

FERTIG was opened in the context of the Apertura 2018, Oviedo's gallery weekend, featuring works of

Bert Didillon, Chris Dreier, Gary Farrelly, Wolfgang Flad, Isabel Kerkermeier, Alice Musiol, Jürgen Palmtag, Klaus-Martin Treder, Julia Zinnbauer

Montag, 3. September 2018

FERTIG. Invitation to the groupshow at Estudio Pablo de Lillo in Oviedo, Spain

Photo: Chris Dreier

We kindly invite you to our show FERTIG featuring works by 

Bert Didillon
Chris Dreier
Wolfgang Flad
Klaus-Martin Treder
Alice Musiol
Jürgen Palmtag
Gary Farrelly
Julia Zinnbauer
Isabel Kerkermeier

Opening receptions on Thursday / Friday September 6th and 7th 2018, 8 p.m.

Estudio Pablo de Lillo
C/ General Zuvillaga, 12