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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018

STEADY SMILE MOVE - The gallery opening at GRÖLLE passprojects Wuppertal

Eigens für die Ausstellung portraitierte mich der Düsseldorfer Künstler, Beuys-Schüler und Airbrush-Legende Joe Brockerhoff und ich kann nur eines sagen - danke Joe, das ist episch. (Foto: Alex Wolf)

Dank an Michael Baudenbacher (links), der das Interview für meinen Film gedreht hat, Dank an Chris Dreier, die eigens aus Berlin angereist ist, um das O.J.A.I. zu vertreten und Dank an Joe Brockerhoff.

This is exactly the atmosphere I was hoping for while I planned the exhibition STEADY SMILE MOVE that was opened last Friday. The airbrush portrait was made by the legendary artist Joe Brockerhoff especially for the exhibition. In 1986 he made several wallpaintings of Düsseldorf's most famous brothel. This brothel was also the original home of the circular bed. If you want to know the whole story just visit STEADY SMILE MOVE at @groelle_passprojects Gallery in Wuppertal. . Thanks to all my glamourous friends for celebrating with me! And thanks to those who wote and phoned me to wish me luck! <3 . . . #art #love #video #photography #architecture #airbrush #legendary #JoeBrockerhoff #circularbed #exhibition #gallery #Wuppertal #Düsseldorf #glamour #jetset #playboybed ... Foto: Philip Schulze
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