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Freitag, 2. August 2024

Heimspiel - Auswärtsspiel. Ausstellung des Vereins Düsseldorf Palermo in der Johanna Ey Foundation Düsseldorf

Fahne Düsseldorf Palermo von Julia Zinnbauer
Exhibition view with the flag by Julia Zinnbauer

The exhibition "Heimspiel - Auswärtsspiel" deals with the two traditional football clubs of the twin cities Düsseldorf and Palermo and the general joy of playing football. The large flag in pink and black was made by myself and I'm totally happy to see it presented so beautifully. 
Pink and black are the colours of Palermo FC and their motto is: „Palermo è la mia vita, rosa nero mio color“. Düsseldorf's equivalent to  Palermo FC is of course Fortuna Fortuna in red and white and you definitely must see the enlarged historic group photos of both clubs – looking into each other's eyes. In addition to the historic photos that were enlarged and arranged by Morphoria Design, a beautiful series of photos showing pupils of the Wim Wenders Gymnasium playing football in different places in Oberbilk can be seen.

Heimspiel – Auswärtsspiel
Johanna Ey Foundation
Neubrückstraße 6
28. Juni – 18. August 2024