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Samstag, 15. September 2018

FERTIG. Documentation of the groupshow at Estudio Pablo de Lillo in Oviedo, Spain

FERTIG, curated by the Spanish artist Pablo de Lillo, was opened in the context of Apertura 2018, Oviedo's gallery weekend, featuring works of

Bert Didillon
Chris Dreier
Wolfgang Flad
Klaus-Martin Treder
Alice Musiol
Jürgen Palmtag
Gary Farelly
Julia Zinnbauer
Isabel Kerkermeier

Estudio Pablo de Lillo
C/ General Zuvillaga, 12

September 6th - October 4th 2018

Photo: Julia Zinnbauer
Screening of STEDY SMILE MOVE by Julia Zinnbauer

To the left: textile work by Isabel Kerkermeier, in the middle: mail art by Gary Farrelly

FERTIG. Curated by Pablo de Lillo
La cosa sucedió así. En mi ultimo desayuno alemán , tras su noche en vela con Ravi Shankar y la danza del fuego con los hijos del bosque, Jürgen apuró su tazón de cafe solo y me dijo, mirando fijamente a mis ojos legañosos: _ “ Tú eres una isla “. Rió , pero lo hizo sin menosprecio. Se lo había oido decir antes. Una isla, o un Robinson, es lo mismo. Hacia gestos con las manos. Nodos que se unen en un espacio imaginado. Lo habiamos hablado algunas veces antes, pero ninguna de las conversaciones anteriores las recuerdo con esa nitidez y claridad. Después cogí mi maleta para iniciar mi regreso a casa.

“Fertig”, en alemán, designa una labor hecha, un itinerario clausurado. Un círculo que se cierra, un nodo en la red, un punto. A la gente como yo, a las que les parece un acontecimiento que las cosas simplemente sucedan y a las que a veces lo grande les parece pequeño y lo pequeño inmenso, la satisfacción nos llega al tiempo que la huella del esfuerzo se borra. Los niños alemanes pintan ahora en mis paredes con sus varillas calcinadas. Se asombran y sonrien, el origen de todo lo bueno . Yo arrastro mi maleta por calles que parecen diferentes. Contento.

The things happened this way. It was my last breakfast at Jürgen's house, after his sleepless night with Ravi Shankar and the fire dance with the children of the forest, he drained his coffee cup and said, staring at my bleary eyes: _ "You are an island. " He laughed, but he did it without disparagement. I had heard him say it before. An island, or a Robinson, is the same. Making gestures with the hands. Nodes that link in an imagined space. We had talked about it a few times before, but none of the previous conversations I remember with that clarity . Then I took my suitcase to start my return home.

"Fertig", in German, designates a work concluded, a closed itinerary. A sealed circle , a node in the network, a point. To people like me, who think it is an event that things simply happen and that sometimes the big things seems small and the small immense, satisfaction comes to us while the trace of effort is erased. The German children paint on my walls with their burnt sticks. They smile, amazed. I walk with my suitcase through streets that now look different. Happy.

Text: Pablo de Lillo

Pinhole photography by Chris Dreier

Textile work by Isabel Kerkermeier (left), mail art by Gary Ferrelly (right)

Drawings by Jürgen Palmtag

Julia Zinnbauer: Rollershutters and Curtains / Geodesic Dome