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Sonntag, 7. Juli 2019

HERE/there - A group exhibition of artists working in Ireland and Germany, currently to be seen in Wexford

The exhibition named HERE/there, curated by Anya von Gosseln and Jürgen Grölle, that is part of an ongoing artists exchange between Ireland and the Rhineland, is currently to be seen in three different locations in Wexford, Ireland:

HERE/there - Wexford meets Wuppertal
June 21st - August 16th 2019

Featuring works by
Pablo de Lillo, Bert Didillon, Fergus Doyle, Chris Dreier, Gary Farrelly, Wolfgang Flad, Isabel Kerkermeier, Anthony Lyttle, Stephen Nolan, Helen O’Leary, Patrick Redmond, Friederike Ruff, Klaus-Martin Treder, Mary Ruth Walsh and Julia Zinnbauer. 

An extensive documentation of the opening reception and the exhibition itself you can find on my Instagram account: