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Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2017

Düsseldorf - The Dallas of Germany. A Radiobroadcast by the O.J.A.I. and Julia Zinnbauer for Radio KUZU 92,9 FM in Denton and Dallas, Texas

For the December-issue of the O.J.A.I. for Radio KUZU 92,9 FM in Dallas/Denton, Texas I wrote and recorded a feature about the achitectural relations between the cities of Düsseldorf and Dallas. More information about our radiobroadcast for Reid Robinson's and Mark Ridlens's radioshow named "Sonic Assembly" can be found here: Link.

Düsseldorf - The Dallas of Germany

Hello Mrs. Dreier, hello Mr. Farrelly, hello Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth and Grand Prairie,

it's a great pleasure for me to be on your show tonight and to imagine that my words are being transmitted into the dark sky above the glittering skyscrapers of Texas makes me really glad. You ask me about the architectural relation between the cities of Dallas and Düsseldorf, the German town where I have been living and working for several years.

Dallas City Hall by I.M.Pei and Downtown Dallas
As an explanation for our listeners I have to add that it was you, Mr. Farrelly, who invited me to take part in the groupshow named „A hard Place“ that was to be seen at 500x Gallery in Dallas not long ago. The exhibition dealt with the way a group of mainly European artists approach postwar modernist architecture. Right from the beginning I felt that one of my short films I had shot in some very futuristic underground stations in Düsseldorf would somehow fit into the urban setting of Dallas. Later on it turned out that I was not wrong. I must say that my week in Dallas definitely broadened my architectural horizon as it is completely different to cities like Chicago or Los Angeles.

At a first glance the question about parallels between Dallas, which is a relatively new city, and Düsseldorf, which was founded more than 700 years ago in the West of Germany, in a cool and humid area close to the river Rhine, might be surprising. Nevertheless there are several reasons for comparing the two cities.

Due to the TV show named after the Texan city, the term "Dallas" evokes similar associations all over the world. It's all about money, oil, glamour, intrigues – and it is about architecture. In the first moment of the opening credits you can see a motorway bridge leading towards a cluster of modern skyscrapers. A pan shot – the glazed city is sparkling in the Texan heat, then a camera flight over the Reunion Tower and the blue, shimmering Hyatt Hotel, than another pan shot over the cristalline fassades of the glittering city, taken from a helikopter. This is the beginning of an epic story that finally turned the city of Dallas into an exciting place of longing, also for the European audience. 

Samstag, 2. Dezember 2017

Sonic Assembly: The O.J.A.I. and Julia Zinnbauer on Radio KUZU 92,9 FM in Dallas, Texas

Düsseldorf - Das Dallas Deutschlands. Über die architektonischen Zusammenhänge zweier Städte

Dallas, Texas, architecture
 Die J. Erik Jonsson Central Library in Dallas, Texas (links) und das Dallas Main Center (hinten im Bild)

Im August des Jahres war ich mit Chris Dreier und Gary Farrelly und ihrem „Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence“ - kurz O.J.A.I. - in Dallas/Texas, wo wir zusammen mit einigen anderen Künstlern in der Ausstellung „A hard Place“ unsere Auseinandersetzung mit der Architektur der Nachkriegsmoderne präsentiert haben. Seitdem trägt das O.J.A.I. regelmäßig zu der Sendung „Sonic Assembley“ bei, die Ried Robinson bei Radio KUZU 92,9 FM in Dallas moderiert. Für die kommende Sendung habe ich einen Beitrag über die architektonischen Zusammenhänge zwischen Dallas und Düsseldorf geschrieben und aufgenommen. Am 3. Dezember wird die Sendung „Sonic Assembly“ ab 22 Uhr Dallas Ortszeit über den Sendemast in den Äther geschickt sowie ins Inernet gestreamt, d.h., daß unser Beitrag in Düsseldorf, Berlin und Brüssel am Montag ab 5 Uhr morgens zu hören sein wird, sowie in kürze auf meinem Blog.

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