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Mittwoch, 22. September 2021

The HEXAGON Cape – Dedicated to the architecture of Reading's modernist multi-purpose venue designed by RMJM

The HEXAGON Cape. Photo by Matt Hulse, Cape by Julia Zinnbauer
The Cape in front of the HEXAGON Reading (UK); photo: Matt Hulse














All my projects and ideas originate in my enthusiasm for art, architecture and language. I aim at preserving and transporting the beauty and the atmosphere of extraordinary buildings by telling their stories and those of their builders and their inhabitants. This also includes my ongoing architectural research. In the context of my overall concept I implement my ideas in the form of texts, videos and photos. In addition to that it is especially important for me to create costumes that relate to the construction, the materials and the surfaces of the buildings I am dealing with.

Fragment of the HEXAGON Cape by Julia Zinnbauer
Seeing the tent-like shape of the HEXAGON, its striped zink roof, the delicate concrete elements and its red interior, the idea of creating a large cape dedicated to the architecture of the multi-purpose venue designed by RMJM in the late 1970s.

I made the HEXAGON Cape in August 2021 during the artist residency at the Jelly Reading I had been invited to, together with the artist and film maker Matt Hulse.

The HEXAGON Cape, made by Julia Zinnbauer in Reading 2021

Julia Zinnbauer wearing the HEXAGON Cape, Reading UK